Sunday, June 20, 2010

Presentation Review Criteria

To kick off my campaign of ‘Making Presentations Outstanding in CZ’, I put out a slideshow called ‘Presentations Still Suck Here’ (you can view it here). This has generated a buzz and even received ‘The Top Presentation of the Day’ from Slideshare.

The next step in the campaign is a Presentation Review series. I will be writing about presentations that I see and giving constructive criticism so that the speakers can improve and so my readers can look critically at their own presentation performance and learn how to get better.

I will always notify the speakers in advance before reviewing their presentations. My aim is not to embarrass people, but to give them the chance to show me their best and to offer others the chance to learn from their experience. I will never review a speaker who does not agree to it.

In order to give a fair review, I have laid out certain criteria that I will be looking for in each presentation. I will rate each one using the following scale and giving some additional information and tips for improvement.

Rating: 1 – 5

1 = outstanding 5 = sucks


Is the core message of the presentation clear, simple and memorable?

Is all of the information necessary and connected to the core message?

Is there a logical structure?

Does the presenter get our attention from the start and keep it throughout?

Is there a strong impression at the end?

Do the slides catch our attention and create curiosity?

Do they make us want to listen to the speaker to get more information or are they a distraction and too much the focus of the presentation?

Is the speaker clearly enthusiastic about their topic?

Does their presentation presence convey confidence and credibility?

I look forward to seeing your next presentation! If you’re not presenting at the time, look for me in the audience and give me your feedback regarding the presentation, as well. Let’s start working together to make presentations outstanding in the Czech Republic!

© 2010 Jeanne Trojan. All rights reserved

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